The University of Western Ontario’s


Accessibility Plan




September 2006 to August 2007


Prepared in accordance with the Ontarians With Disabilities Act, 2001







30 September 2006




Table of Contents



Introduction....................................................................................................................... 3


Objectives.......................................................................................................................... 3


Western’s Commitment to Accessibility Planning..................................................... 3


Barrier-Removal Initiatives in 2005/2006..................................................................... 4


Plan for Removal of Barriers 2006/2007…….………………………………………..9


Review and Monitoring Process................................................................................. 12


Appendices .................................................................................................................... 13

            Appendix A               Members of WODAC

            Appendix B               King’s University College Accessibility Plan



The University of Western Ontario’s Annual Accessibility Plan

September 30, 2006





In December 2001, Ontario passed the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (the “Act”).  The purpose of the Act is to improve opportunities for persons with disabilities and to provide for their involvement in the identification, removal and prevention of barriers to their full participation in the life of the province. To this end, the Act mandates that every university, including The University of Western Ontario (“Western”), prepare an annual accessibility plan.


This is the fourth such plan to be prepared on behalf of Western.





The purpose of an accessibility plan is to document barriers to accessibility that have been removed to date and identify those barriers that will be removed in the coming year.  A plan must also identify how the barriers will be removed and present a plan for identifying and removing barriers in the future, and preventing the development of new barriers.   Plans must be made public and accessible to allow for input from the broader community.


The purpose of this plan is to update the last report, prepared in September 2005 (available at



 Western’s Commitment to Accessibility Planning


As is stated in Engaging the Future, the University’s draft Strategic Plan (final report anticipated in November 2006):


Diversity: as part of our commitment to excellence, we seek to recognize and remove the obstacles faced by traditionally under-represented groups in order to facilitate their access to and advancement at Western. We respect and celebrate the diversity of people who make up our community.


The University of Western Ontario has been committed to accessibility planning for some time now and has recommitted itself to such planning under the Act.  With the formation of Western’s Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee (“WODAC”), Western has committed itself to meeting its obligations under the Act, as well as to achieving the following goals:


·         The continual improvement of access to University premises, facilities and services for all persons with disabilities;

·         The participation of persons with disabilities in the development and review of its annual access plans; and

·         The provision of quality services to persons with disabilities.


Barrier-Removal Initiatives in 2005-2006


1.   Physical and Architectural Barriers


At Western, a number of departments and/or groups are committed to the removal of physical and architectural barriers: 


·         The student-funded Campus Accessibility Review and Enhancement Committee  (“CARE”) continued efforts to address barriers on campus that have been identified by students.  While the accessibility enhancements are focused on improving student experience, there is a beneficial impact for all members of the university community and for visitors to campus.  


·         The Department of Physical Plant plays a large role in addressing physical barriers identified on campus and has also displayed a strong commitment to addressing physical barriers that are brought to its attention and to maintaining accessibility-related improvements such as door openers.   In addition to addressing issues as they arise, Physical Plant continues to make available the amount of $50,000.00 per year in its budget to direct toward projects to increase accessibility on campus.  It should be noted as well that additional sums are committed by other departments on campus.  


·         All plans for new buildings and major renovations to existing buildings on campus are reviewed to ensure that barriers are addressed at the planning and design stage, and that no new barriers are created.  Accessibility standards set by the University often go beyond the standards found in the Ontario Building Code (which are acknowledged as a base only) and it is an expectation that contractors bidding on and completing work at the University will meet these higher standards. It should also be noted that Physical Plant regularly engages the services of Designable Environments (Consultants in Accessibility and Future Care Planning) to review these projects. The Barrier-Free Access and Safety Committee (the “BFASC”) was established at Western in order to ensure the accessibility of new and renovated buildings. 


·         Training on the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) continued for university members.  Although the focus of the training is preventing crime on campus, participants are also trained in accessibility considerations.  When participants conduct CPTED audits of various campus buildings, they will also make accessibility recommendations, as appropriate. 


Initiatives to remove physical and architectural barriers across campus in the past year include:











2.  Information and Communications Barriers


Initiatives to remove information and communication barriers across campus in the past year include:


·         Services for Students with Disabilities coordinated convocation assistance for graduating students who have disabilities.


·         Services for Students with Disabilities provided the first annual Summer Transitions in Education for Students (STEPS) program at Western for students with learning disabilities who are making the transition from high school to university.


·         Services for Students with Disabilities launched a new website to provide information to incoming and current students with disabilities:



·         The Office of the Ombudsperson achieved a website re-design.  Included in the design process was a consultation to ensure accessibility for persons with visual impairment and information processing difficulties. 


·         Western Libraries continued its commitment to web accessibility as outlined in the report found at:


·         A “Workstation Ergonomics” website developed for use by staff and faculty.  It includes a step-by-step guide on how to review one’s own workstation.  Website may be found at:


·         Western’s Rehabilitation Services revised their Functional Accommodation Form to include cognitive components and added cognitive demands to the Job Demands Description.  This has facilitated the accommodation process for individuals with mental health issues.


3.  Attitudinal Barriers


This type of barrier is the most difficult of the barriers to identify and address. Western is fortunate to have a large number of interested and concerned individuals in its community who regularly take on the task of educating others about the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in our community, both formally in the work that they do and informally. 


Some initiatives completed in the past year to move forward in addressing these barriers include:







4.      Technological Barriers


Efforts to remove technological barriers on campus are on-going and the removal of such barriers are priorities for various departments.   Initiatives from the past year include:


Services for Students with Disabilities: 



Western Libraries:



Human Resources:






Information Technology Services (“ITS”), specifically through the Senate Subcommittee on Information Technology (“SUIT”), continues its efforts to ensure all Western’s official departmental websites meet barrier-free web accessibility standards, as set out by the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Access Initiative (WAI).


5.       Barriers Created by Policies or Practices


With an organization the size of Western, there are a great number of policies and practices, both formal and informal, which require review.   By promoting Western’s obligations pursuant to the Act, it is anticipated that many of these will be reviewed by the appropriate departments, and barriers will be identified and brought forward, either by those departments or by individuals impacted.   Resources such as Staff Relations, Rehabilitation Services, Services for Students with Disabilities and Equity & Human Rights Services are available to receive concerns and provide advice.  These resources also continue to review policies and practices as part of their work on campus.


Some specific initiatives in the past year undertaken to address policy or practice barriers include:


For Students:


For Staff and Faculty and the larger community:


o       Always including an Employment Equity statement

o       Ensuring the language is appropriate and unbiased

o       Advertising with contract groups serving designated groups

o       Ensuring selection committee members are trained regarding equity considerations

o       Ensuring all questions are based on the bona fide requirements of the position.

o       In conjunction with Equity & Human Rights Services, providing training for those involved in recruitment efforts. 


·         Outreach:  Human Resources has been partnering with contact groups in the community which serve persons with disabilities.  Some of the agencies that Western has connected with are Leads Employment Services Inc., ATN and Goodwill.


·         Rehabilitation Services continues to be a resource/consultant for Faculty/Staff to provide help with illness/injury.



Plan for Removal of Barriers in 2004-2005


What follows is a list of recommended actions to be undertaken in the upcoming year to identify, remove and prevent barriers at Western.


1.  Physical and Architectural Barriers











2.  Information and Communications Barriers









3.  Attitudinal Barriers


·         Continue to improve understanding and awareness of mental health and mental illness across campus, especially among managers and supervisors, through further education and training initiatives.  A workshop on Mental Health Issues is planned for Leaders and Managers.


·         Bring learning opportunities to campus which bring together persons with disabilities from across the Western community, their supporters and administrators to discuss accessibility issues, highlight existing barriers and brainstorm ways to remove and prevent further barriers.


·         Completion of the employment equity guide for use by those responsible for staff hiring and promotion, which would include considerations for hiring and promoting persons with disabilities.


·         Continue to develop and present various educational programs across campus (for example, a duty to accommodate workshop for staff, faculty and students). 


4.  Technological Barriers


·         Continue to respond on an as-needed basis to requests for adaptive technology to assist members of the community.


·         Continue to monitor and ensure all official Western websites are accessible according to standards approved by ITS.


·         Creation of mp3 versions of library help guides currently accessible through the library website.


·         Services for Students with Disabilities will be investigating the use of remote real-time captioning and its ability to pick-up classroom discussions. 


·         The Hearing Accessibility Audit report is due in the fall.  Report will suggest strategies to reduce noise and improve the ability to hear lectures.


·         Human Resources to purchase computing equipment for the HR Communications Centre to provide access to persons with vision impairments. 


5.  Barriers Created by Policies or Practices


·         Consider a review of the existing policy on Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.


·         Consider collaboration with the City of London’s Accessibility Committee.


·         Communicate about the new Ontario legislation when it is passed and Western becomes aware of its roles and responsibilities arising under that legislation.


·         Human Resources will continue its e-recruitment and outreach efforts to recruit persons with disabilities to Western’s workforce. 




Review and Monitoring Process


Over the past year, WODAC has taken a more active role in identifying and addressing barriers.  This is the first year that WODAC has existed in its new committee structure.  Although still evolving, WODAC hopes to develop a clearer and more integrated process for those who identify accessibility issues and forge relationships between departments, groups and individuals that will assist in finding a reasonable and timely resolution to accessibility concerns.  This identification of short term and long term goals will be reflective of the obligations that are anticipated under the forthcoming Ontario legislation.  We look forward to the upcoming year. 



Appendix A


Members of WODAC


The following members of the University community served as members of WODAC between September 2005 and August 2006:


Functional/Administrative Group Members (one representative each):



Committee Member

Contact Information

Equity & Human Rights Services

Larissa Bartlett (Chair)

Terri Tomchick

(519) 661-2111 x83334

(519) 661-2111 x81428

Housing & Ancillary Services

Ruta Lawrence

(519) 661-2111 x85978

Human Resources

Jane O’Brien

Veronika Elsie

(519) 661-2111 x84261

(519) 661-2111 x85580

Information & Technology Services

Merran Neville

(519) 661-3976 x83976

Office of the Ombudsperson

Adrienne Clarke

(519) 661-2111 x83573

Physical Plant Department

Flemming Galberg

(519) 661-2111 x88880

Rehabilitation Services

Barbara Froats

(519) 661-2111 x81398

Services for Students with Disabilities

Deborah Stuart

(519) 661-2111 x82147

Western Libraries

Jennifer Robinson

(519) 661-2111 x82229

Western Faculty

Lisa Klinger

(519) 661-2111 x88963

King’s University College

Joan Aldis

(519) 433-3491 x4316

Brescia University College



Huron University College



(The functional/administrative group member shall represent and take the necessary action in accordance with his or her university role or position.  The functional/administrative member may be, from time to time, required to research, consult with University leadership or administration, and take immediate or intermediary action in order to respond to issues raised at the committee meetings by the stakeholder/expert group members or other Western members).


Stakeholder/Expert Group Members:



Committee Member

Contact Information

Society for Graduate Students (SOGS)

Melissa Fraser


University Students’ Council

Kelly Wilson


Student Member-at-large

Lorin MacDonald


Student Member-at-large

Jeff Preston


Staff/Faculty Member-at-large

Cheryl Jamieson


Staff/Faculty Member-at-large







Appendix B


Annual Accessibility Plan- King’s University College

September 2005-August 2006




Submitted to:                        Western’s Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee

                                    The University of Western Ontario


Submitted by:           Joan Aldis - Coordinator of Counselling & Student

Development and Services for Students with Disabilities



This report addresses:


1.      measures taken to remove barriers on the campus of King’s University College


2.      measures to be taken in the current year to identify, remove and prevent barriers to persons with disabilities including faculty, staff, students, alumni and members of the public.



Barrier- Removal Initiatives in 2005-2006




Plan for Removal of Barriers in 2005-2006

·        Bathrooms to be upgraded for accessibility